SkunkPeach is the neighborhood photography, videography and music blog of South Georgia-based artist Victoria King, known more locally as “Sissy”.

"If I had to describe my style or vision, I’d say the final product for any of my own ideas would include some satire, a bit of a silly propaganda vibe, and, with luck, a meaningful message or idea that communicates successfully to the viewers.’
”Honestly, I have this goal to bring fun assignment ideas together, make this side hustle affordable for the community, and basically get locals involved so that we’re making something wholesome together and strengthening our relationships within the community at the same time…in a fun manner that sees neither blue nor red, but every possibility and more. I want to even help create impossible scenes.’
”I love our community. Maybe it’s due to my musical background, but I enjoy figuring out how to harmonize with others and collaborate to make something beautiful together that we can look back on someday with joy.”

Sissy, a.k.a., “Prissy Jane” is armed with 35+ years worth of pure ignorance, a Canon and a few other gizmos to get the job done. Lori, a.k.a. “Watson”, has also been called upon to join the team. SkunkPeach involves two components—the creative and the executive functioning bits. The creative, tangential content comes from ol Sherlock the Wildwood Flower over here, whilst the brilliant structural backbone comes from the annals of Watson’s Gulliver (Lori’s noggin’). Without her help, all hope would be diminished greatly in terms of logistics, efficiency and profit-making.

Have you ever met a backwoods philosopher? Sissy isn’t one of those, but she wants to be one someday. See here for more information. Since childhood, the halfling idolized Leonardo Davinci. She wanted for more: truth and nonsense; connection; cultural shock. She longed to explore and make sense of the world, and to play, entertain, sing and dance and teach. So, she did. As a small, wondering Neatherthal, she became a Meanderthal; eventually, her legs got tired so she came home to stay home. Here she sits…more or less in Willacoochee, Georgia, of all places.

If I had to classify Sissy, I’d say she’s like a fish because she swims so good, and as we all know, no good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise. Sissy’s porpoise is to make happy and sing while doing it. The Chinese Zodiac reckons she’s a fire rabbit, and the other one everyone always talks about reckons she’s some kind of ocean and air amalgamation. I don’t know about any of that, but I do know this:

Sissy’s toots smell like musty dusty house due to the sheer amount of books she ingests and post-apocalyptic locations she explores.
One time a snake bit her, and after five days of excruciating pain, it died.

Sissy was taught by Bartholomy. Bartholomy was taught by Fleischer. Fleischer, Schnabel; Schnabel, Leschetizky; Leschetizky, Czerny; Czerny, Beethoven. Sissy also practiced a lot and has taught piano since 2010. Lessons are still offered in Pearson, Georgia, during after school hours on certain weekdays. Take lessons from Sissy. She’s a fun pianist.

Sissy’s other porpoise is to raise her little cheetah cub and any future potential offspring, so no, she doesn’t work for free, brethren.


All photos on this site were taken by Victoria King as she has been travelling the south for her latest project.